Many university degrees have been questioned especially those acquired from foreign universities. Some universities are quite not up to standard and did not have the required facilities to run as Universities.
The Republic of Niger is one country that many students especially Nigerian students rush to get their first degrees from some established universities that offers degree programs.
Academics Daily visited the Annahda University Maradi and what was discovered is highly disappointing. The Institution was a shame and yet admit students for various courses.
Although our reporter did not meet any staff on the ground to talk to, a tour of the infrastructure was not in any way close to any university standard.

The Annahda Univerity is still awaiting approval from the Nigerien education ministry order to stay closed until it fulfils all academic requirements as stipulated by the government.
In a letter seen by Academics Daily, dated 19 July 2021, by the Nigerien Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the institution should stay closed until it complies with the laid procedures of owning and managing tertiary institutions in the country
The document reads
“Considering the Order N°013 MESR/I/SG/DGE/ DL/DESPRI dated February 07, 2017, establishing the closure of ” ANNAHADA University ” in Maradi;
” Considering the Decree N°120/MESR/USG/DGE/ DL/DESPRI dated October 04, 2017, closing ” ANNAHADA University ” in Maradi;
” Considering the Order N°019/MESR/I/SG/DL dated January 24, 2018, on the organisation of the central administration of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and determining the powers of their managers;
” Considering the Order N°146/MESR/I/SG/DGE/DL/DESA /DESPRI dated October 15, 2018, authorising the creation of a private higher education institution hereafter referred to as “International Private University” (UIP ANNAHADA) in Maradi;
” Considering the Order N°0194/MESR/I/SG/DGE/DL dated December 30, 2019, on the modalities of creation, opening, reopening, extension, changing and closing of a Private Higher Education Institution;
” Considering the investigation report of DESA dated June 04, 2021;
Considering the investigation report of DESPRI dated June 08, 2021;
” Upon proposal of the Director of Private Higher Education
” Article 1: “ANNAHADA University” opened in Maradi, in violation of the provisions of Article 6 of the Ordinance N°96-035 dated June 19, 1996 and Article 2 of the application decree N°96-210/PCSN/MEN dated June 19, 1996 is closed.
” Article 2: The closure measure of the institution shall be lifted only when the offender complies with the regulations in force.
” Article 3: The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research is in charge of the application of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Niger.
However, ignoring the order, the institution has announced a new date for the resumption of both old and new students.
It has announced October 4 as the new resumption date.
Meanwhile, checks by Academics Daily revealed that the institution does not pass the accreditation requirements as stipulated by the Nigerien authorities.
The only fully accredited English speaking University that has passed full accreditation processes of the authorities in the french-speaking country is the Maryam Abacha American University, MAAUN.
The Maryam Abacha University which began full operation in 2013, has graduated world-class students acclaimed by parents and wards from all over the world.
The MAAUN which has its main campus in Maradi run undergraduate and postgraduate programs and courses in sciences, social sciences, Health science, Law and engineering.